Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tech Tuesday: The Top 10 Gaming Apps for the iPhone, iPad and Android

Hey everybody, The Gamer Dude here with this week's edition of Tech Tuesday. Usually the Gamer Chick handles Tech Tuesday but she was swamped with work today so I decided to take over for today. Next week she'll be reviewing some of Apple's new tech they've come out with but this week I'm talking about something that has almost become a part of our everyday lives: apps.

Applications, shortened apps, are an essential part of the three major tech devices out there, the iPhone, the iPad and the Android. Soon we will be getting apps for the Mac but that is neither here or now. There are hundreds of thousands of apps spread across two marketplaces and at times it can seem overwhelming as to which ones are actually worth getting. Now for a lot of people free apps are the way they roll, never spending a penny on a single app and really that's fine. There are plenty of great free apps out there and in fact they make up 95% of my Galaxy and iPod Touch. That being said however, most quality apps out there tend to have some price attached to them, usually between 99 cents to about 15 dollars.

Since there are so many to choose from I've decided to split this article into two: Games and Other. The Other article will come out somewhere down the road but today I've decided to focus on Games by creating a Top 10 list of the best Gaming Apps for the iPhone, iPad and the Android. Hope you enjoy.

(I'll also try to keep it as short as possible since we have 30 apps to get through but on some I may give more detail)

First up...the iPhone(Touch)-

10. Paper Toss World Tour

The first Paper Toss was a free app that provided some simple and easy fun while being challenging enough to make us want to come back. They kept releasing DLC for the game but eventually the people behind the game must have realized that it was time to go global so they released Paper Toss: World Tour.

A sort of direct sequel to the "Airport" level, World Tour follows you around different unlockable countries where you basically do the same thing you did in the last game: throw paper into a waste basket while a fan blows winds at different speeds. The more countries you unlock, the more difficult it gets. But the atmosphere, the music and the little tidbits of humor thrown in there when you really (or purposefully) biff a throw makes this a fun game that can keep you coming back. It's only 99 cents and the first one is still free so pick both of them up, get the DLC and start taking out the trash.

9. Ultimate Spider-Man: Total Mayhem
I'm a sucker for Spider-Man but it's not my love of the comic series that drew me to the game but the great story, great gameplay and of course all of the great Spider-Man villains and cronies you get to fight. It's fun, it has great controls and if you like Spider-Man then you should pick this one up immediately. 

8. N.O.V.A
This is Halo for the iPhone. Sure it's not actually Halo but you play a soldier with an awesome metal suit and advanced healing, speed and jumping abilities. And you shoot a bunch of aliens...so basically Halo. But it's a ton of fun and one of the few good examples of an FPS for the iPhone.
7. Tap Defense
If I could take a picture of addiction, this would be somewhere near by. It's a simple tower defense game where you use magical powers to stop Satan and his armies from getting into heaven but with so many customizable and upgradable weapons as well as the myriad enemies and gameplay types it becomes a game you'll find yourself coming back to time and time again.

6. Cut the Rope
This is actually a fairly new release but one that has taken the world, and me, by storm. It's a pretty simple premise: There is a monster in the box that needs candy so you need to cut the rope in a way where it lands in it's mouth. It may sound simple at first but when you need to start using physics and gravity to maneuver the candy around it becomes insanely difficult...and addictive.

5. All-In-One Gamebox
How would you like 35 games for the price of 1? Oh and did I mention the number of games is continuously increasing? Oh and did I mention all of them are simple but extremely addictive? You will lose hours on this little treasure trove of games and it is worth every penny.

4. Zombie Infection
Like NOVA, it's a clone of another successful franchise, this time being Resident Evil. But that's not exactly a bad thing. Tight controls, a good story and plenty of zombies to kill all at a cheap price make this a hard one not to buy for fans of the series it's ripping off. I've had tons of fun with this one.

3. Doom II RPG
A few years ago I picked up the original Doom RPG for my Verizon enV and I played the heck out of it. I thought the premise was silly at first, Doom with RPG elements attached, but the fluid and sometimes intense turn based combat, the classic graphics, the level of exploration, the unusually deep story and all of the different weapons and choices you could make in the game made it an amazing game. The follow up builds on that premise but gives you even better controls, more choices, a deeper story and more weapons. It's more of the same but with even more then before. A must buy for Doom fans.

2. Pocket God
The little game that could. Imagine for a second that you are god. Imagine that the world you oversee is a small island full of gibberish speaking pygmies who are about as bright as a black cat in a coal mine. Imagine you could kill and respawn them as much ore as little as you wanted. Imagine you could control their environment, their food, their lifestyle, their weather and practically every element of their life. Imagine you could name all of them. Imagine you could write your own stories using the characters and share them with the world.

Sound fun yet? And with new episodes coming more frequently then anyone could have expected, there is so much to do in Pocket God and all of it is fun. A must must must buy.

1. Game Dev Story
Chances are if you are reading this blog that you like video games. Have you ever wanted to make your own video game? Well in Game Dev Story you can do just that but with a twist. Instead of making the game from scratch and playing it only to realize it totally sucks *cough RPG Maker cough* you get to create the idea for the game and take over the development team and handle all the different aspects that go into making the game. Imagine a business sim but this time with video games, and it's more fun.

It's outrageously addictive, fun and if you are a creative person then the ideas and possibilities of Game Dev Story are endless.

Next up...the iPad-

10. Air Attack HD
It's a pretty simple game: you fly and you shoot. Not much more to it. But it's colorful, it's fun and you see a lot of stuff blow up. Hard to ask for more from a flying shooter.

9. Crash Nitro Racing 3D
The classic kart game from Sony's non Spartan spokesperson is fun for any fan of Mario Kart or any other arcade style over the top racer. It's pretty, it's colorful and it's oddly addictive. If you like kart racers, pick this one up.

8. Reckless Racing HD-
If you don't like kart racers then pick THIS one up. It's made by EA (who know how to make iPad games) and it's a fun and simple to use racer that will keep you coming back for more.

7. GTA: Chinatown Wars
The smash Nintendo DS, PSP and iPhone game is now available for the iPad. Great controls, a deep and innovative story, plenty of side quests and mini games, and of course lots of breaking the law and blowing stuff up make this a must buy for not only action-adventure fans but also for any fans of GTA. It may be colorful, but it's still GTA.

6. Brothers in Arms 2 HD
Imagine Zombie Infection but in WWII and with Nazi's instead of zombies. It still has the sharp controls, great graphics, interesting story and fun gameplay that made ZI such a hit, but this time with Baker's Dozen. Considering the console series is pretty much DOA, this is the place to go for your Brothers In Arms fix.

5. Mirror's Edge
Parkour is fast, it's fresh, it's constantly changing and innovating and always growing. Now make a game version of it. Now wait a year and release it the way it was supposed to be released: third person and 2D. Imagine Sonic the Hedgehog but with parkour and you got this game. It's a ton of fun and a must buy for fans of fast paced action.

4. Samurai 2: Vengeance
Samurai's are awesome. The swords, the epic battles, the code of honor and all the carnage they dealt all for the sake of protecting those they serve, samurai's are bad ass. Now make a game where you play as a samurai. Sounds cool already doesn't it? Well give it artsy, cell shaded graphics, tons of bosses and enemies and lots and lots of blood and you got Samurai II. It's like a pocket Ninja Gaiden. A must buy.

3. Plants vs Zombies HD
Unless you've been living under a rock then there is a good chance you've already played this game. But why I picked the iPad version instead of any of the others is because I like the feel of the iPad's version better. The controls feel fun and easy to use and the HD graphics make the game brighter and more colorful then it has every been before. If you don't already have it elsewhere or you've never played it then I suggest getting it.

2. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
How would you like to play a full fledged 12-30 hour RPG with two different graphic styles, great humor and voice acting, commentary, hints, and tons of other bonus unlockables, all to do with pirates? I thought so. Buy this. The classic PC prequel to my favorite game of all time is now on the iPad and it's amazing. If you haven't already experienced it or even if you have (you'll find a lot of great new content) then buy this now.

1. Dexter: The Game
I realize this may come off as bias since Dexter is currently my favorite show airing on TV, but Dexter the Game is a fun, surprisingly deep action-adventure game with full voice acting from the cast, plenty of mini games to keep you busy, overarching mysteries, amazing graphics and gameplay and if anything else you get to play as a serial killer taking out other crime lords and other evil people. I mean come on?! Awesome!


10. Asphalt 5
A pretty standard racer but with great graphics and plenty of cars to choose from this is one racer you'll find yourself coming back to over and over and over.

9. Backbreaker Football
It may not be Madden and hell it may not even be actual football but there is just something fun about running a ball down a field while dodging defenders. It ain't deep, but it's fun and when you do get tackled it's still fun because the physics engine make every tackle unique and worse then the one before. Even if you don't like football give this one a look.

8. Uniwar
Imagine Tap Defense but with a grid. One part tower defense, one part Strategy RPG and one part action game, this is a fun little game for anyone looking for a quick fix when they aren't playing Starcraft 2. It won't appeal to everyone but I got a kick out of it. Plus it looks cool and the variety in what you can use is pretty deep so I recommend it.

7. The Plateau 
A neat little addictive puzzle game that builds on the old game where you connect a line without crossing the same line twice. It seems easy at first, almost too easy to some, but once you get deeper into it you soon realize how difficult it is and just how fun it really is. A great puzzle game and lots of fun.

6. Super KO Boxing 2
Do you like Punch Out? Yes? Then buy this. It's Punch Out for the Android...plain and simple. There aren't any of the licensed characters (although the characters that they did get are just as fun and memorable...I mean look at the guy in the screencap) but the core gameplay and fun is still there. 

5. Homerun Battle 3D
An arcade style, over the top Home Run Derby that's fun for everyone. The controls are really responsive, the graphics are amazing for the Android, it's cheap, and it's fun. It doesn't take itself seriously and it's a hoot to play. A must buy for baseball fans.

4. Let's Golf
Available for almost every system ever, Let's Golf is your arcade style golf game borrowing heavily from the Hot Shots and Pangya series. It has a lot of different courses, clubs, and characters for you to use so if you like to play golf or want to just put in a quick round before a meeting then this is the game for you.

3. Zenonia
I didn't expect much from this game at first but it soon became an amazingly fun and addictive RPG in the vein of Legend of Zelda. Many times I found myself comparing it to the first one in the best way possible. The sprites are well animated, the story is great, the overall design and combat are great and it's a must buy for Zelda or RPG fans.

2. Drop7
What do you get when you mix the two most addictive things: Sudoku and Tetris and put them together? You get this. Be warned...your life will slowly dwindle away when you see these two addictive superpowers combine to create a memorable and unique experience. 

1. Angry Birds
Like Plants vs Zombies, there is a good chance you are or have already played this game. But why did I choose the Android over the iPad and iPhone, both of which have sold more units of Angry Birds then the Android? Well it's pretty simple...it's free. Not only is it free but it has all of the DLC (minus the Halloween expansion pack thing) to date. So you get a ton of fun, addictive puzzles for free. I realize that the game is pretty cheap for the other systems, but it's hard to beat free and fully loaded. That and whenever I turn on my Fascinate I find myself playing it so it certainly stands head and shoulders above the other games.

Well that's about it. Tune in next week for more and leave your comments on the list as well as some of your favorite apps.

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