Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Modern Reviews: Halo Reach In Depth Review

My first review has to be on Halo Reach, seeing as I just got the game this past weekend and have been playing it non-stop. I must say, I am very impressed. As expected, the graphics are great. But in addition to great graphics, there are new armor abilities, new ways to customize your character, and animals to kill! Plus the new forge is AMAZING! I am going to start this review with just that, reviewing the game.

Armor Abilities

When I saw the Halo Reach trailer, I was extremely excited for the armor abilities. Here are the pro's and con's of each!

Active Camo
There are a lot of pro's for active camo, for instance it turns you invisible. It also jams the radar of those around you, which can be very helpful for not being seen and sneaking up behind your enemy with the new melee attack! Unlike the other armor abilities that have a set draining time, the slower you move with active camo, the longer it lasts.
While active camo does jam your enemies radar, it also jams your own. The only other con is the faster you move, the more visible you become. It also has sound dampening so you can't hear anything, including approaching enemies.

 Armor Lock

Armor lock makes you invincible, literally. A rocket coming your way? Use armor lock and it will bounce off like a rubber ball! Sniper relentlessly trying to get a head shot? No problem! Armor lock and he wont be able to touch you. The only other thing that would make armor lock even better would be if it triggered a blast when it wears out. Oh wait! It does! It triggers an EMP blast, which takes down the shields of enemies too close and will even disable close vehicles! A cool trick, if you are about to get splattered by a small vehicle, go into armor lock and it will make the vehicle explode (if they are going fast enough).
With armor lock on, you can't move. Which means that sniper just has to wait for it to wear down.


Evade allows you to roll out of the way of enemies like a gymnast! You can also use it to get closer to enemies.
You can only do evade twice before it has to recharge.

Drop Shield

The drop shield is similar to the bubble shield except for one thing: It heals! It allows you to heal teammates that are inside it while blocking enemy attacks!
If you are doing a rocket game or someone has a rocket launcher, and the shield gets dropped right when they fire the rocket, everyone in the shield will get killed.


You are hiding behind a rock and want to distract an enemy then run out and kill them. Send out a hologram of yourself in the direction you are looking!
The hologram only goes about 5 feet then just stand there. And it gives away your position since it comes from you.

Jet Pack

There are so many good things to list about the jet pack! It allows you to fly above the enemy and attack from above, drop down on an enemy and perform a surprise melee attack. It also allows you to fly away from grenades, enemies, vehicles, get across large areas, and you get the idea.
The jet pack moves kind of slow so it makes you an easy target for snipers, and everyone can see you. Fall damage still counts, so try to save some for landing.


Sprint does exactly what it sounds like. It makes you run faster. Simple.
Since you can't shoot while sprinting, you have to stop sprinting to shoot.

Character Customization
One thing I love about Halo Reach (and any other female gamer will appreciate) is they made it so you can play a female character, even through the missions. Cut scenes? Yes it will still be a girl. Also, any armor customizing will be seen in the missions and in the cut scenes! Awesome? I think so :)

The armor customization is one from a whole other dimension! You can customize:
- Your helmet, and accessories on the helmets
- Visor color
- Shoulder pads
- Chest plates, and accessories
- Knee guards
- Armor affects (you know when you head shot a grunt and you have the birthday party skull on? You can purchase it for your character!)
- Voice
The only bad thing about customizing your armor is that it costs credits. Credits can be earned from missions, building in forge, firefight, live, and custom games.

Multi player Maps
With the mostly new multi player maps in Halo Reach, you can tweak almost everything from weapon damage to armor abilities to what enemies you fight. Here is a short review of all the multi player maps! 


Boardwalk is centered around a large open space. Be sure to stay out of the open as much as possible as it makes it easy for enemies to pick you off. But the same goes for your enemies :)


Boneyard is a large scale map. Hint: It is VERY jet pack friendly! This map is also basically made for invasion.


Countdown is a maze of corridors that surrounds an open launching pad. Be warned: There are a lot of things that go boom!


Powerhouse gives you a lot of chances to use melee attacks because it is made for small scale game play. Just be careful not to get caught in the open in the center pool.


Reflection is very visually impressive. While your enemy is busy looking around, use the opportunity to grab active camo and take them down.


Spire has, you guessed it, a spire! Located in a wide open landscape, it works great for vehicles or the jet pack. This map is suited for invasion as well.


Zealot is perfect for hologram as it is multi-layered and has a lot of twisting corridors, which also makes it perfect for slayer. The top layer has reduced gravity, so be careful not to jump out of the battlefield!

The Cage

Just what it sounds like. The cage is a multi-layered map full of walkways. Just be careful when leaving cover and when crossing the walkways.


If you played Halo 2, you will recognize this map to be a remake of Ascension. Pinnacle is great for snipers. Be sure to use sprint to get across the open areas.


Another Halo 2 remake, Asylum is very similar to Sanctuary. Great map to use shotguns on!


Look similar to Halo's Blood Gulch? Guess what! It's a remake. Yup, the very familiar two bases with relatively flat ground in between. Great to use armor lock against the vehicles.


Paradiso has twisting paths along a mountain along with the bases at the base. Be careful as this makes a great map for snipers. Snipers, be sure to use active camo as you will be pretty open to those with jet packs.

Final Verdict
Buy it!!! 5 stars. You wont regret buying Halo Reach. It has great multi player opportunities, great story line, great graphics, and it is addictive! Don't hesitate and buy today!!

1 comment:

  1. It's like being a kid, again, and getting a brand new bag of shiny plastic soldiers. So much fun to be had, and they're all mine!
