Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hot Topic: Video Game Controversy with help from Extra Credits

I watch a lot of stuff on the internet and every now and again I find a series of videos or a single video that really moves me. Well the people at The Escapist have come up with a new series called Extra Credits (which has now been running for almost 3 months) and in their short time at the site they have created thought provoking and intelligent discussions about gaming and the gaming industry that have really and truly made me reflect on my life as a gamer. Recently they have had two videos, one released a few weeks ago and one released today, that deal with video games and the controversy that surround them. If you care at all about games you will watch these two videos.

Here is the first one from a few weeks ago:

And here is their most recent video which goes even deeper into the subject:

If you have 20 minutes to burn, watch these two videos. Even if you don't like games you will get a lot out of them. Trust me.

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