Sunday, October 9, 2011

Siri for iPhone

Siri is your amazing new 'intelligent assistant that helps you get things done just by asking.'  Continue reading to find out more.

When I first saw the Siri demonstration at the Apple event, I was blown away. Siri is your personal assistant for the new iPhone 4S. All you have to do is hold down the Home button for a few seconds, then speak in your natural language and ask Siri to do anything you need. You can ask anything from "What's the weather like today?" to "Remind me to call my husband when I leave work" to "Set up an appointment with Susan at noon."

One of the most amazing things about Siri is it understands your natural language. You can ask the same question in different ways and Siri will still understand you. It understands context, it gets better the more you use it and it learns your voice, and it works with apps.

You can't describe Siri. Since it is extremely difficult to tell you how amazing it is, here is a video Apple put out about Siri.

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