Friday, November 5, 2010

New's Friday: Is the Kinect "Racist"?

There are reports coming out already on problems with the new Kinect. The main problems are with Kinect's facial recognition, which we will be looking at in this New's Friday article!

GameSpot released an article saying that Kinect is having problems with the systems facial recognition with people who are "dark-skinned." In GameSpot's report, two of there "dark-skinned" employees had problems with the facial recognition. Kinect recognized one of the employees inconsistently, while the other employee it didn't recognize at all despite multiple calibration attempts. Further testing with the same employees showed that wearing lighter clothing helped. They tested this in the same room with the same lighting, once with darker clothes and once with lighter clothes. The article by GameSpot can be found here. Some people think that the Kinect is racist because of this. I don't think it's racist, I just think the first game of this kind is bound to have problems at first. Let's see if the second version will fix this.

While some players have problems with facial recognition, you can still sign in manually and play the games, but some of the games features might not work.

Tips for playing the Kinect:
- Wear lighter colored clothing if you are having problems with the facial recognition
- People, or big dogs, walking in front of you while you play will mess up your game, but if they walk behind you it wont.
- Wearing baggy clothing or really loose clothing, such as a robe, will slow down the reaction time, but only by a hair.

Keep your eyes out for the up-coming Kinect review by our very own Gamer Dude!!

1 comment:

  1. I saw this article too. Microsoft said "Make sure you're in a well lit room" (Basically what you covered with the clothing)

    And of course you can always calibrate your Kinect to make sure you aren't the problem.
